BeepEgg Intelligent Egg Timer (Orange)
If you regularly boil your eggs in a pot, you know the problem: consistency! It’s rarely perfect and in many cases you don’t even know what you did differently than usual.
BeepEgg is the solution to this problem. Simply store and cook together with your eggs. Set for all degrees of hardness, your little egg will sing different melodies as soon as the eggs are cooked to perfection. The time of annoying timers or constantly checking the clock are over. See for yourself!
Here’s how to cook your eggs with a BeepEgg:
- Store the BeepEgg together with the rest of your eggs.
- Put the BeepEgg and eggs together in a cooking pot, bring to a simmer.
- Let all the eggs cook together until the corresponding melody plays.
- Shock the eggs and BeepEgg together with cold water and serve the eggs.
- After cooling down, put the BeepEgg back in the refrigerator.
Songs (Basic Model):
- OH SUSANNA for soft-boiled eggs
- TAKE ME OUT TO THE…for medium-boiled eggs
- HAIL HAIL THE GANGS… for hard-boiled eggs
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The musical egg for perfectly cooked eggs – that’s BeepEgg
BeepEgg serves as a replacement for a classic egg timer. It’s an egg that is boiled with hen’s eggs to cook them for exactly the right amount of time until the desired degree of hardness is reached. It plays a melody for each degree of hardness. BeepEgg is optimized for medium or large eggs. Since each melody is played several times, the respective size can be taken into account. If the eggs are very large, simply wait about half a minute longer before removing them from the water.
It doesn’t matter how many eggs you cook together with BeepEgg. Different sizes can also be cooked together, as BeepEgg takes this into account. The starting temperature during the cooking process is also irrelevant. Whether cold, lukewarm, or boiling water – BeepEgg always ensures perfectly cooked eggs as it is a thermal egg timer. The only important thing is that BeepEgg and the hen’s egg have the same starting temperature. Therefore, it’s best to store BeepEgg with the eggs in the refrigerator or in any other place where you store your eggs.
Why should everyone own an egg timer for cooking?
Perhaps you are wondering why you cannot simply continue to use your egg cooker or egg timer. Of course, you can also cook your eggs as usual. However, there are numerous reasons why every household should have an egg timer for cooking in the form of a BeepEgg.
BeepEgg replaces the egg cooker
Egg cookers are cumbersome, large, and surprisingly consume a lot of electricity. In many households, egg cookers are among the kitchen appliances that are rarely needed. Therefore, they are usually stored in places that are more difficult to reach. Simply unpacking the egg cooker and then cleaning and putting it away is annoying. Depending on the size, egg cookers also waste valuable space in the kitchen. BeepEgg is neither annoying nor large. It also does not consume external power as it is battery-operated. It takes up no more space than a normal chicken egg. Additional space does not have to be created either, as BeepEgg can simply be stored in the refrigerator with the eggs.
BeepEgg takes work off your hands
There are different ways in which people cook their eggs. Many cook them in a pot and set a timer on their smartphone or simply check the time regularly to achieve the desired degree of hardness of the egg. BeepEgg puts an end to this unnecessary work. As soon as the egg reaches the desired degree of hardness, it starts to sing.
BeepEgg doesn’t get in the way
A classic egg timer is usually always in the way where you want to put other things – according to Murphy’s law. It is also often lost because it is a small object that is moved to a spot in the kitchen where it simply disappears. With BeepEgg, you can be sure that it does not get in the way and does not get lost. It is simply stored with the eggs and cooked in the same pot.
BeepEgg is entertaining and fun
Those who cook their eggs with an egg cooker have certainly been startled more than once by the loud signal tone at the end of the cooking process. In contrast, BeepEgg plays a melody when the egg reaches the different degrees of hardness. There are numerous editions that cook your eggs to different songs – so your egg timer will cook your breakfast egg according to your taste in music.
The funny egg timer with melodies for all degrees of hardness – this is how it works:
The BeepEgg works based on temperature. It measures the temperature inside the egg with a sensor. By storing the egg timer together with your eggs while boiling, you ensure that it always has the same temperature. From this, it calculates the time until the ideal degree of hardness is reached. That’s why it’s so important to store the BeepEgg together with the eggs, as the same starting temperature is crucial. After that, everything else doesn’t matter. The BeepEgg works at all altitudes and it doesn’t matter how many eggs you boil at the same time. This egg timer doesn’t care whether you start the cooking process with cold, warm, or boiling water. Different melodies are assigned to all degrees of hardness, which will play after the corresponding time. For example, there is our Rock BeepEgg, which plays 3 classics from rock music, or our 80s BeepEgg, which plays hits from the 80s.
Weight | 3 oz |
Dimensions | 2.9 × 2.9 × 3.9 in |

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